

About Hilliard Ohio Real Estate

Hilliard is a city in Franklin County, Ohio, United States. The population was 28,435 at the 2010 census. It is bordered on the east by Upper Arlington, on the north by Dublin, on the south by Galloway and Columbus, and to the west lies open farmland.

Looking for Hilliard Ohio Real Estate?

Hilliard, Ohio real estate has experienced some growth over the last several years and has both older neighborhoods and older developments. This has helped increased home values, while adding new inventory to a nice mix of previously established neighborhoods.

What’s Going on in and Nearby Hilliard Ohio?

Buying real estate and living in Hilliard, Ohio offers plenty to do. Downtown Columbus lies in a distance to the southeast, its skyline visible at times when crossing bridges. The new Hollywood Casino is just minutes away, by way of the only major highway that runs through Hilliard, I-270, which runs north and south slightly east of the middle of the city. The largest sporting events in Hilliard are the football games of the three Hilliard high schools; Hilliard Bradley, Hilliard Darby, and Hilliard Davidson. Hilliard annually hosts a Fourth of July parade and has a moderately sized fireworks display that overlooks the west pool/municipal park. The Franklin County Fair also calls Hilliard its home. Old Hilliard-fest Street and Art Fair is held in downtown Hilliard and is sponsored by the Hilliard Civic Association.

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